HCC Men's Basketball team gets proclamation at City Hall
Tue, 05/27/2014
WHEREAS, participation in a partnership combining academic and varsity athletic competition at the college level is an opportunity available to a limited number of individuals, and
WHEREAS, there is an added responsibility for the participants to balance and maintain priorities while making the experience a meaningful one, and
WHEREAS, they represent themselves, their coaches, the athletic program, the student body and their community’s college as athletes and college students while competing against teams throughout Washington, and
WHEREAS, what they accomplish in their athletic competition creates pride for their school and their community, now therefore;
THE DES MOINES CITY COUNCIL HEREBY PROCLAIMS and congratulates the Highline Community College Men’s Basketball team for placing 3rd in the NWAACC 2014 Playoffs and encourages all citizens, business owners and public officials of Des Moines to offer their congratulations to Highline Community College’s men’s Basketball team members and coaches for their accomplishments.
Team Roster: Harold Lee, Madison McCaffrey, Joseph Stroud, Daryon James, Jalen McGruder, Xavier Johnson, Ben Tucakovic, Isom Brown, Martel Taylor-Barone, Doug McDaniel, Jimmy Keum, Ryan Swanstrom
Coaching Staff: Che Dawson, Dave Denny, Clarence Ryan and Jason Mgebroff
Athletic Director: John Dunn
SIGNED this 22nd day of May, 2014
Dave Kaplan, Mayor