Angle Lake's 'Clean Sweep' yields a Browning 30 caliber machine gun
Shore Club President, Lonnie Goulet displays the Browning 30 caliber machine gun found in the water off Angle Lake Park.
Mon, 07/28/2014
The Angle Lake Shore Club of SeaTac, WA held their annual 'Clean Sweep' on Saturday, July 26th, 2014. The Clean Sweep is a volunteer event focused on clearing the lake area community of litter, trash and debris.
This year nearly 30 members and friends gathered at the Angle Lake Park boat ramp to collect bags, trash grabbers and gloves furnished by the City of SeaTac Parks Department. The group was split up with part heading out to the main streets and thoroughfares and the rest equipped with snorkels, fins and dive tanks took on the job of clearing the shoreline and deeper waters of Angle Lake.
When complete, the trash recovered filled the back end of a Parks Department Flat Bed Service truck. Content were mostly litter, cans and bottles but also included a few unique finds recovered from under the water. That which included half a wooden boat; a complete lawnmower; plus a Browning 30 caliber machine gun acquired adjacent to the fishing docks at the public park.
The police were dispatched to investigate the find and although the gun was no longer in working order, regulations required that the officer recover the weapon with claims that it would be included in the Peace Brick Program where confiscated guns are meltdown into bricks.
Clean Sweep is an annual event occurring in July. All are welcome to participate.