City of Des Moines Needs Parks, Recreation and Senior Services Master Plan Advisory Committee Members
Tue, 09/09/2014
The City of Des Moines is looking for individuals to serve on the 2015 Des Moines Ad Hoc Parks, Recreation and Senior Services Master Plan Citizen Advisory Committee.
Public involvement is required and is a key element for the success of the Master Planning process. The Advisory Committee will be appointed by the Mayor and City Council and will have diverse membership from the City’s citizen committees and commissions, neighborhoods, recreation special interests and user groups, school districts and Highline College so that all citizens are represented and help inform the work.
The Committee will work with staff to host a series of community and user group workshops beginning in 2015. The Committee will gain knowledge related to the City’s demographic data, park and facility site conditions, participate in visioning activities, and review public feedback regarding recreation needs for the purpose of making recommendations for the 2015 Master Plan (encompassing the years 2016-2021).
If you are interested in serving your community in this capacity, please contact Patrice Thorell City of Des Moines Parks and Recreation Director at 206-870-6527 or Applications are available on line at Applications are due by September 19, 2014.