LETTER: Vote yes for schools
Mon, 10/06/2014
To the editor,
After voters approved school construction bond measures in 2002 and 2006, Highline Public Schools replaced most of the district’s deteriorating elementaries and Mt. Rainier High with modern safer schools designed for learning in the 21st Century.
Each project came in on time and on budget. The district also leveraged the bond funds to qualify for additional millions of dollars in Port of Seattle, state and federal matching funds to rebuild even more schools.
Additionally, the district saved taxpayers nearly $10 million by refinancing the existing bonds. Now with the economy on the mend, Highline Public Schools is asking the voters in November to approve a school construction bond to replace, renovate, and repair schools.
Log on to the Building for Tomorrow Today section of highlineschools.org to learn more about building conditions at the school proposed to be replaced or renovated. Or better yet, just talk to students, parents or teachers at those schools. They won’t give you a sob story but just tell the truth about the challenges of trying to learn in buildings with failing heating, ventilation, plumbing and electrical systems.
Des Moines Elementary, Highline High, Evergreen and Tyee students deserve to learn in a safer and modern educational environment just as much as students at the schools previously rebuilt or renovated. That is equity.
Highline Public Schools has been a good fiscal steward of our tax dollars.
Vote Yes for the Highline Public Schools bond on the November ballot.
Lois Schipper
Highline Citizens for Schools – Chair