LETTER: An Open Letter to the People of Highline School District
Mon, 10/27/2014
As Chair of Highline Citizens for Schools and a parent of students in the district, I
urge you to get the facts about Prop. 1. This election is critical for our kids and our
community. Look beyond the name calling, rhetoric and misrepresentations and
here’s what you’ll find:
• Highline Public Schools has two challenges that MUST be addressed: aging,
deteriorating buildings and a lack of classroom space for a growing student
population. The longer we wait to act, the more money we drain away from
classrooms repairing buildings that should be replaced. And we risk losing
state dollars dedicated to lower class size because we have no space.
• This bond measure was developed after several years of study. This
includes an independent audit detailing the condition of every single facility in
the District that is available for all to read. Public meetings were held across
the district seeking input on the bond proposal. District wide surveys were
completed. The School Board heard public testimony at meetings. The final
proposal was based on solid research and feedback received from hundreds
of citizens.
• Every single construction project completed with the last two bonds was on
budget. With smart management of past bonds, our District saved taxpayers
$10 million. And the district has been able to leverage our local dollars,
securing millions in state and federal matching funds. That is a fiscal track
record that all of us should be applauding.
• The 60% property tax increase is a scare tactic used by opponents. Again,
here are the facts: total property taxes in King County are about $15 per
$1,000, depending on where you live. School bonds approved by voters in
2002 and 2006 together are currently $1.88 per $1,000 (about 11% of your
total property tax). The $1.12 increase amounts to an increase of roughly
7.5%, not 60%.
• Money approved through local bonds pays for capital improvements and
school construction. That’s the law. Bond dollars cannot be diverted to pay
for administrators’ salaries. Just more misrepresentations by opponents.
• If passed, the bond will rebuild or replace two schools that are nearly a
century old – Highline High and Des Moines Elementary. It will also pay for
two new middle schools, which will alleviate classroom overcrowding
problems. Critical repairs at Evergreen and Tyee will be completed.
Technology upgrades will be made throughout the district. What you are
paying for is very clear.
Before launching any more negative attacks, opponents should clean up their
own house first. They are running a campaign that is in violation of our state
election law,. They have failed to publicly disclose who is funding their campaign, how much each contributor has given and what they are spending
their money on.
Enough is enough. It is time to put an end to the petty bickering and put our
focus where it should be – on our kids. Let’s come together and do all we can to
ensure all of our kids have a shot at a first rate education.
Please, join me in voting to approve Prop 1 – and don’t forget, put your ballot in
the mail by November 4th.
Lois Schipper
Chair, Highline Citizens for Schools