LETTER: Washington Voters: Vote NO On I-1351
Mon, 10/27/2014
I-1351 is a deceptive and misleading bill that funds staff to rubber stamp
institutionalizing youth in fraudulent and abusive residential programs
while claiming to "reduce class size". The reduction in class size does
not come from hiring more teachers and building more classrooms. It
comes from taking poor and minority students out of their homes and
communities and placing them in private detention centers.
While the arguments for and explanatory statement mislead voters, the
bill itself is quite clear on this point, it says:
"Except as required for class size reduction funding provided under
subsection (4)(f) of this section and as may be required under chapter
28A.155, 28A.165, 28A.180, or 28A.185 RCW, or federal laws and
regulations, nothing in this section requires school districts to use basic
education instructional funds to implement a particular instructional approach
or service. Nothing in this section requires school districts to maintain a
particular classroom teacher-to-student ratio or other staff-to-student ratio or
to use allocated funds to pay for particular types or classifications of
staff." Source:
If you read the entire bill, the money is not going to hire more educators or
improve school buildings. It is going to hire social workers, parent
coordinators, and counselors. It clearly states that allocations for Special
Education are not to be used in the district and/or are not required to be used
by individual districts to hire proper special education support staff to work
in the district, but, to cover outside placement costs for students they wish to
deny a proper public education.
Angela Smith
126 SW 148th St, Ste C100-422
Burien, WA
(877)845-3232 xt. 801
website: www.heal-online.org