LETTER: Supporting Proposition 1
Thu, 10/30/2014
Dear Editor:
I am writing to support Proposition 1 bond measure on the ballots of voters in the Des Moines, Normandy Park, Burien, Seatac, White Center, essentially residents in the Highline Public Schools area.
Some of my neighbors would consider my family newcomers since neither my husband nor I were born or raised in this area. However, for the last 25 years we have raised 4 children in our Des Moines home. Those four children include a Washington State University graduate, a University of Hawai`i – Hilo graduate, and a Mount Rainier High School Sophomore and Pacific Middle School 8th grader who attended Des Moines Elementary School. I have spent quite a bit of time on the Des Moines Elementary, Pacific, and Mount Rainier campuses. I’ve also attended a variety of events and activities at Highline, Evergreen, and Tyee campuses. There is no doubt that those schools are in desperate need of repair. The difference between the Mount Rainier campus and the Highline, Evergreen, and Tyee campuses is extraordinary.
Over the past several years, every time community input has been sought regarding our schools, or a bond measure has been discussed and/or proposed, I have learned that the Des Moines and Highline campuses are in such dire need of repair that it is extremely cost prohibitive to simply continue with band-aid repairs, renovation, or adding yet another portable. Our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, teachers, and staff in ALL Highline schools deserve to learn and work in safe and healthy environments with updated technology and arts education equipment and curricula.
We need to celebrate our community growth, but equally important, we need to prepare our schools for continued growth. I urge my neighbors and friends to vote YES with me, vote YES for Highline families, and for our future.
Melissa Ponder
Des Moines Resident