All are Invited to Levy/Bond Community Meetings
Tue, 01/13/2015
Burien, WA– Families, community members, and staff are encouraged to attend upcoming community meetings about Highline Public Schools’ proposed levy and bond measures on the February 10 ballot.
Renewal of an Educational Programs and Operations Levy would pay for basics such as teachers, books, buses and other essentials not fully funded by the state.
The bond would replace the district’s two oldest schools, build new schools to accommodate growing enrollment and lower class sizes, and make critical repairs and technology upgrades district-wide.
Meeting participants will:
• Learn the facts about the proposed levy and bond measures.
• Learn how the bond proposal was modified based on community input.
• Have the opportunity to share concerns and have questions answered.
Community Meetings
Wednesday, January 14
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Highline High School cafeteria
225 South 152nd Street, Burien
Thursday, January 15 (primary focus: Des Moines Elementary replacement project)
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Des Moines Elementary School cafeteria
22001 9th Avenue, Des Moines
Tuesday, January 20 (primary focus: new middle school at Glacier site)
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Cedarhurst Elementary School
611 South 132nd Street, Burien
Wednesday, January 21 (primary focus: new middle school at Manhattan site)
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
North Hill Elementary School
19835 8th Avenue South, Seattle
Community Town Hall
The community is also invited to a Community Town Hall. Participants will join Superintendent Susan Enfield and School Board members for an open public dialog about district finances and the bond and levy measures on the February ballot. Attendees are invited to come with their questions and concerns, so the district may respond.
Thursday, January 22
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Highline High School library
225 South 152nd Street, Burien
Spanish interpreters will be available at all events.
To learn more, visit and