Highline School Board Seeks Candidates for Open Seat
Thu, 03/05/2015
Burien, WA– The Highline Public Schools Board of Directors is currently soliciting candidates to fill the position of Director District 3. The position is now vacant after the retirement of long-time School Board member Susan Goding.
Anyone who lives in District 3 and is a registered voter in Washington State is eligible. The School Board will appoint a director to serve until December 1, 2015. A new director will be elected in November 2015 to step into the position on December 1 and serve the remaining two years of Goding’s term.
Those interested in the position are asked to submit an application and a current resume to district.3@highlineschools.org by March 20, 2015. Applications will be reviewed by the School Board and the Board will announce finalists at the April 1 School Board meeting.
Click the following links for additional information about the vacant board member position.
• Timeline
• Director District Boundaries
• Application
• Duties of the Board
• Highline Public Schools Strategic Plan
Goding retired from her position on the School Board after a decade of service. She plans to pursue math education advocacy work throughout the state.