63rd Street Pump Station will get new flap gate and electrical upgrades
the 63rd Street Pump Station will go through an 18 month upgrade process beginning in September.
Tue, 09/08/2015
information from King County
King County will soon begin construction at the 63rd Avenue Pump Station in West Seattle. The pump station is located on the waterfront at the intersection of Beach Dr. Southwest, Southwest Spokane Street, and 63rd Ave. Southwest.
Contractors will install a flap gate, upgrade the pump station's electrical and controls, install new access hatches and modify the curbed area on top of the pump station.
Flap gate - keeps seawater from entering the pump station and the county system during extreme tides
The flap gate construction will happen first. The work will be done outside of the pump station building on the waterfront side, away from and below the street.
This part of the project should take up to six weeks to complete. It will involve outdoor work, including excavation.
Electrical upgrades
The electrical upgrade work will start with demolition inside the building and removal of the current equipment. It will also require some work outside the building.
A storage container or trailer with temporary electrical controls will be set up on the pump station roof. This temporary installation will be visible from the street.
Most of the remaining work will take place inside of the pump station buildings. Overall project
The work will be done onsite; there should only be minimal impact to traffic—usually when equipment or vehicles have to enter or leave the site.
All work will be done during regular daytime construction hours, as allowed by the City.
We expect the work to take up to a year and a half to complete.