Tue, 10/27/2015
I have the utmost respect for VP Joe Biden yet I must greatly differ with one of his recent statements.
Having grown up in a rural area in the South, I can say that Biden 'has the wrong end of the stick' – that he misunderstands, has the facts backwards. He called for an end to divisive politics, saying that Democrats should not “look at Republicans as our enemies. They are our opposition; they are not our enemies. And for the sake of the country, we have to work together.” Hey, Joe, look again; you have the parties switched somehow! Starting in 1994, the Republican Party declared the Democrats to be their enemies – and once Obama was elected, it was full war! Their strategy changed from being the opposition to becoming the Party of Opposition instead, to stall and kill any actions for improvement coming from the Democrats – not to work together, which has been to the detriment of the country, to the American people in general. They have had one single agenda: to ensure that Obama and the Democrats are total failures, which has resulted in the country failing. There is no 'for the sake of the country' with them yet only 'we do whatever we have to do to win'. Simply observe the cold hard facts surrounding the Benghazi Hearing. Why didn't they schedule the Hearing, where they grilled Hillary Clinton for over 8 hours, on Halloween so that it would have been aptly a Witch Hunt?? As of yesterday, the GOP had burned up over $4.5 million of taxpayers' money on this, with no obvious outcome - and they plan to keep this 'train' rolling until the election next year. Political Sabotage, at it's best! There are so many issues to be resolved with our money and time: lack of health care, unemployment, homelessness, mental illness, gun violence, substance abuse, war, etc etc. The GOP went after Bill Clinton as well – remember that soap opera show? - and could only use his personal life choices to try to take him down. The Republican Party itself has clearly abandoned the democratic process (small d) decades ago and now proudly flies the banner of Divisive Politics! Well, don't blame me for the carnage – I am a Lifetime Democrat!
David S. Gooding
Normandy Park, WA 98166