Vietnam War American Fighter Ace to Speak Nov. 14
Brig. Gen. Steve Ritchie
Thu, 11/12/2015
SEATTLE, Nov. 11, 2015--On Nov. 14 at 2 p.m., the Museum hosts an inspiring program with U.S. Air Force American Fighter Ace Brig. Gen. Steve Ritchie. One of the most highly decorated fighter pilots in American History, Gen. Ritchie is the only Air Force Ace since the Korean War, and the 8th most highly decorated living member of the United States military. Joining Gen. Ritchie for the program is his wife, Mariana Ritchie, who presents a powerful story about her experiences growing up in Communist-ruled Romania. Together, their unique perspectives offer a dynamic story about freedom that has inspired audiences everywhere they've spoken. The program is free with admission to the Museum.
The Ritchies will be available to sign copies of the book "Speaking of Flying," as well as any other items visitors wish to have signed.
For more about Brig. Gen. Steve Ritchie visit his Website.
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