Evergreen Graduate Featured in December #HighlineAlum Campaign
Fri, 12/04/2015
Burien, WA– Highline boasts a long list of well-known and accomplished alumni and dozens of grads you haven't yet heard of who are making their mark on the world. One of those graduates is Dianna Tonkin, a 1986 Evergreen High School graduate.
Highline is featuring Dianna in this month’s #HighlineAlum social media campaign. She is a professional musician and singer based in the Seattle area.
“This community is so strong. You have community partners such as Boeing, Alaska, and the Gates Foundation that are truly behind our children. And at the helm is one of my heroes which is Susan Enfield. We are so lucky to have Dr. Enfield who does what she says and goes at the pace that she does,” said Dianna.
Watch Dianna’s video here.
Each month, we are featuring successful, high-profile alum and up-and-coming alum on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. The features include a short video clip of the alumnus. The community is invited to follow along by using the hashtag #HighlineAlum.
The #HighlineAlum campaign aims to inspire our students to dream big, graduate high school, and go on to accomplish great things.
If you know an outstanding Highline Alum, please nominate them to be featured in a future profile. Email their name and contact information to communication@highlineschools.org.