The Psychic View – Ready or Not
Tue, 12/15/2015
By Marjorie Young
As I was preparing to write my latest column concerning the recent dreadful events in Paris, two other appalling incidents occurred…the Planned Parenthood attack, followed by the bloodbath in San Bernadino. The deeds of the perpetrators may be ‘explained’ by ‘political’ or ‘religious’ motives, while remaining forever incomprehensible to most of us. But such episodes bring home the fact that, on any given day, or in any given moment, we cannot know what may be delivered in our direction. We could step out the door to never return, or chat with a loved one, never dreaming this will be our final conversation.
Fortunately, violence or terrorism is rarely responsible for our ever-evolving fate. To the contrary, it is likely to be something far more ‘mundane – a distracted driver fails to see the pedestrian at the crosswalk. A bolt of lightning sends a tree crashing into a bedroom. Too many Christmas lights results in a home going up in flames. An unhealthy life-style leads to a heart attack. All this may seem gloomy, of course, but does remind us that life is largely unpredictable…even to those possessing ‘psychic abilities’!
On the other hand, truly marvelous things may materialize at a moment’s notice, as our existence is always a balance of the dark and the light, both being a necessity for our spiritual growth. Watching a movie where the hero faced no adversity, we’d quickly lose interest when ‘nothing happens.’ It is the struggle leading to the potential ‘happy ending’ that makes for a memorable tale…or a memorable life.
All this should remind us to live each precious day with purpose. One story on the news recently serves as a remarkable reminder. A young mother was at the supermarket with her toddler and infant in tow. At the checkout, her credit card was declined. Embarrassed, she asked if she might run home to get a different card. Instead, a young man waiting in line insisted on paying the $200 tab…absolutely refusing to hear her offer to repay him. Touched and grateful, she made a point of finding out where he worked. Several days later she phoned to speak with the manager of that health club, praising her employee’s good deed. But the manager had sad news…the generous stranger had been killed in a car crash, just one day after his impressive act of generosity.
Determined to do something to honor her benefactor, ‘Melanie’ started a Facebook page sharing the episode, while encouraging readers to replicate the Good Samaritan’s kindness. The page was soon flooded with reports of others coming to the aid of friends and strangers alike. Thus, though ‘Mitchell’ died so suddenly, his final gracious act served to provoke an open heart in so many others.
Follower her on Twitter: @psychicmargie