After months in court in a dispute between the City of SeaTac and a company (K&S Development) owned by Gerald and Kathryn Kingen. also owners of Salty’s Seafood Grills, a King County jury awarded $9,589,703.00 in damages to K&S against the City of SeaTac. After a seven-week trial, the jury determined that SeaTac violated K&S Developments, LLC's property rights when it blocked K&S's attempts to build a park n' fly garage at the 154th Street Station Area off Highway 518.
In addition to finding the City's actions constituted a taking of private property, the jury also found the city of SeaTac committed fraud and interfered with K&S's development rights. While the primary judgements went in the Kingen’s favor, other aspects of the trial were won by the city.
The City prevailed on five of the eight claims that were under consideration by the jury. These were minor aspects of the case according to the Kingens.
SeaTac’s City Attorney said, “We are anticipating an appeal.”
The Kingen, voiced appreciation for the jury's hard work and verdict. "This case has been a long ordeal for our family, and we are thankful the facts have been revealed and the jury understood the government overstepped its bounds. Today's verdict re-affirms private property rights," said Kingen.
The jury's verdict represents one of the largest land-use awards in state history.