Georgette Valle debut's her latest book at Normandy Park art show
Tue, 03/01/2016
By Dina Hrisko
The Normandy Park Art Gallery's Champagne Reception & Book Signing by Georgette Valle was held last Thursday, Feb 25, at the Normandy Park Senior Living & Memory Village.
If going to a Gallery isn't interesting enough, this Gallery is located in the common areas of the Normandy Park Senior Living & Memory Village (NPSL).
The Reception and Book signing of Georgette Valle's third Book, "Hi Diddle Diddle, Read a Bird Riddle, was in conjunction with the Artist United's (AU) Bi-Monthly art showing at NPSL. Georgette Vikingstad Valle is not only a local author, she was our State Representative serving the 31st District for 12 years and after a redistricting, she served the 34th district for another 12 years. After leaving the State, she served on Burien's City Council for 4 years. Her first two (2) books were an autobiography, Always a Rebel and Never Without a Cause and Courageous Women, which "compares modern day, accomplished, famous women to those from the Bible, both the Old Testament, containing Hebrew Scriptures, and the New Testament.."…
In addition to exhibiting the book's illustrations done by Debra Valpey, The Gallery also showcased the work of five (5) local artists including, Gunter Winklelmann, Judy Eckhart, Judy Lane, Tracy LeMoine and Nancy Bogni.…
The Gallery, which has been open since June, 2015, is the result of a partnership with the Burien-based Artist United (AU). This partnership was created when Mac McQuade approached Artist United with the idea of providing "...the community ... a way to view and purchase art from local talent...". It was decided that the Gallery would be maintained by AU and changed out every 60 days; The exception would be the artwork of the Residents. Theirs will be permanent. The AU makes all the arrangements for the show, deciding what will be shown and by which artist. NPSL provides the Gallery with live music, champagne and hors d'oeuvres.…
Realizing that this partnership arrangement is still in its infancy and needs to be fine tuned, it is the type of arrangement that is needed in order to, as Dan Scansen, Executive Director of NPSL, has said, "offer the surrounding community a destination for viewing great works of art by local artist and provide a venue for local musicians and entertainers to showcase their talent."…
This partnering not only helps the artist, it allows NPSL's resident group, the Art of Life Club, to be able to make charitable contributions to other non-profits. According Mac, they worked out an arrangement that would be "about not only providing a public place for local artists..., but also reaching out to local charities that need".…
This is accomplished because the members of AU have agreed to give up a percentage of every sale. Since the partnership's inaugural event, June 25, 2016, the resident group, the Art of Life Club, has been able to contribute needed funds to Hospitality House, Highline Area Food Bank, the local Disabled American Veterans, C.A.R.E.S and this month's local charity, Children's Therapy Center. Mac thinks that they are on schedule to collect and distribute almost $1,200 by year end.
It is the hope of the Normandy Park Art Gallery, that it will get the attention it deserves, encouraging local residents to come and see how/why the Gallery should be, as Dan Scansen said, an "integral part of the cultural scene in Normandy Park, Des Moines and Burien."…
The plans for the future, according to Mac McQuade, include hosting an event in the Gallery every other month featuring such things as demonstrations, local musicians and comedy. He wants to familiarize the community with the Gallery and the vibrant community within; He wants more people "to know that we're here, that the Gallery has amazing local art, a fun gala event each month and your art purchases not only enriches your life and supports the local art community but benefits neighbors in need."…
The next event will be on March 31 featuring student art from Mt. Rainier High School. Last November when they featured student art from Highline High School, over 225 people attended the event and over $200 was raised through the sale of the student art. McQuade hopes that the Gallery attendees and sales for this event will exceed those figures.
For more information about the Normandy Park Art Gallery Monthly events please contact Mac McQuade at 206-241-0821. Local artists interested in showing in the gallery may also contact Mr. McQuade to explore future opportunities to display their work.