City Council Adjusts Council Meeting Start Times
Mon, 03/14/2016
SeaTac, WA (March 10, 2016) - The SeaTac City Council passed a Resolution to adjust its meeting times later in the evening to better accommodate and encourage public attendance. The Resolution was proposed by Councilmember Erin Sitterley on March 8th, during the Regular City Council Meeting and passed unanimously. Study Sessions and Regular Council Meetings are sequentially held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month in Council Chambers. Study Sessions will now start at 5:30 PM and Regular Council Meetings will start at 7:00 PM, starting March 22, 2016.
Mayor Rick Forschler stated that: “Allowing the greatest number of the public who are interested in our work to attend the meetings is important to the entire Council. By beginning at slightly later times, we are able to match our schedules to that of our constituents, and provide a more open government.” He added that: “Gaining input from the community is important to the City’s plans and policies and we welcome attendance and participation in the City’s business.”
About the City of SeaTac:
Incorporated in February 1990, the City of SeaTac is located approximately midway between the cities of Seattle and Tacoma. The City of SeaTac is 10 square miles in area and has a population of 28,251. The City is a vibrant community, economically strong, environmentally sensitive, and people-oriented. The City boundaries surround the Seattle- Tacoma International Airport, (approximately 3 square miles in area) which is owned and operated by the Port of Seattle.