The Highline Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) is narrowing down a list of solutions for facility concerns facing Highline Public Schools.
CFAC met twice during the month of May. During the meetings, committee members broke into groups to explore solutions to the top priority problems. The groups developed draft solutions, which must now be evaluated for cost and feasibility:
Solution for condition of Des Moines Elementary: Build a new school on the Zenith site at a capacity of 750 students in Phase 1. (Retain existing Des Moines building for public use.)
Solution for condition of Southern Heights Elementary: Rebuild the school on the current location at a capacity of 750 students in Phase 2.
Solution for condition of Highline High School: Build a new school on the current location at a capacity of 1,800 students in Phase 1. Save the façade as much as possible, and replicate the existing architectural style in new construction.
Solution to Elementary Capacity:
Scenario 1: Elementary schools with 6th graders
Rebuild Des Moines Elementary
Rebuild Southern Heights Elementary
Build two new elementary schools
Scenario 2: Elementary schools without 6th graders
Rebuild Des Moines Elementary
Use state class size reduction funds (6080 funds) to modernize Southern Heights Elementary
Gradually implement class size reduction
Use portables where necessary
Solution for Middle School Capacity:
Build two new middle schools at Glacier and Manhattan sites in Phase 1
Rebuild two existing middle schools in Phase 2.
Rebuild two existing middle schools in Phase 3.
Read a synopsis of the presentations, review supporting documents, and listen to a complete audio recording of the May 11 and May 25 meetings online (
CFAC is composed of 40 members and is charged with developing a long-term facilities plan for Highline Public Schools, including a future bond measure.
Fifteen committee members were appointed by community organizations, employee associations, and local government leaders. Twenty-five at-large members were chosen by lottery from a pool of over 70 community members who volunteered to serve.
Read a synopsis of all previous CFAC meetings, see a list of committee members, and read more about the committee charge by visiting the CFAC web section (
The next CFAC meeting is scheduled for June 8.