Calling all K-5 students for the first-ever winter schedule cover contest!
Tue, 09/27/2016
On Tuesday, Washington State Ferry system launched launched its first-ever cover contest! WSF prints 400,000 winter ferry schedules every year and distributes them in ferry-served communities and in our 10 ferry terminals and 22 vessels. This year, they're asking young student artists to illustrate what “winter on the water” means to them. The winning drawing will be featured on the cover of the winter 2017 sailing schedule.
In addition to the winner, five finalists will be selected and featured on the WSF website, on Twitter and in an upcoming edition of the Weekly Update.
The competition is open to K-5 students. Drawings will be accepted via email or regular mail through Oct. 14.
What are the submission requirements?
• Dimensions
Electronic: Submissions must be 300 dpi or higher, and portrait oriented.
By Mail: Submissions must be on 8.5 x 11 paper, and portrait oriented.
• Media: Submissions must be hand-drawn (no electronic illustrations, please) in black and white. Any of the following media may be used: paint (watercolor, tempera, poster, acrylic, etc.) and drawing materials (pencil, charcoal, chalk, pastels, colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc.). Artists are encouraged to use bold, strong lines.
• Original artwork: All work must include a ferry or elements of a ferry (i.e. life ring). No copyright images, text or other material will be accepted. (For example, artwork depicting characters from television shows, video games or books is not allowed).
• Ownership: Artist submissions shall be treated as being free of restrictions and limitations to their use. By submitting artwork, you give ownership to WSF and authorize WSF to post your entry on our website indefinitely, and grant WSF the right to use, print and publish your design.
• Deadline:Submissions must be emailed to wsfcomms@wsdot.wa.govor postmarked by Friday, Oct. 14.
How do students submit their drawings?
• Electronic: Scan, attach, and email your drawing with the subject line “Winter schedule cover contest” to by Friday, Oct. 14. In the body of the email include the student’s name, age, school, and the best phone number and email to contact them with.
• By Mail: Submission must be postmarked by Friday, Oct. 14. All submissions should include a note with the student’s name, age, school, and the best phone number and email to contact them with. All hard copy submissions should be sent to the following address:
Washington State Ferries
ATTN: Communications Staff Aide
2901 3rd Ave. Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98121
• Please note: Each student may only submit one drawing.
Who will select the winning drawing?
A panel of judges from our ferries executive team will review entries. A winner will be selected whose work best depicts the theme of “Winter on the water.” Entries will be judged on creativity, originality, clarity of theme and artistic merit.
What do I win?
Five finalists will be selected and featured on our website, on our Twitter feed, and in our weekly update. From those finalists, a winning drawing will be chosen to be featured on the 2017 WSF winter sailing schedule.
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