Seattle Southside Chambers of Commerce
Tue, 10/25/2016
The Seattle Southside Chamber of Commerce is an active member of the South Sound Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition. Together, with the Association of Washington Business, the Chamber advocates locally and regionally for the best interests of our business community and our members.
One of the Chamber's 2017 legislative priorities is to support human infrastructure. The most valuable resource in the South Sound region is the people who live and work here. Our businesses and communities can only prosper with the right investments that improve the ability for people to thrive and find jobs. Finding a balanced approach to fully fund education that does not adversely impact the economy of the state or our South Sound region is paramount to the economic vitality of our region.
Therefore, the Chamber offers their support for the Highline Public Schools Prop. 1 on November 8th because it will make a long-term investment for education and workforce development by providing the space, tools and resources teachers need to do their best work as well as for the next generation of students whom we depend on for future development and economic success in our region. The Chamber does not offer this endorsement without reservations as the increased property taxes and the subsequent potential risk to the health of our business community is concerning. However, the potential risk to the safety and health of our students and future generations of Highline residents does appear to be real and palpable if this bond were to fail. The Chamber looks forward to continued partnership with the community and the school district to ensure that all risks and priorities are managed transparently for the benefit of all in the Highline community