Shoplifter stopped in action
Tue, 12/06/2016
Shoplifter stopped in action
A man was caught shoplifting at Fred Meyer, 14300 1st Ave. S. in Burien, at 7:50 p.m. on Fri., Nov. 25. He was discovered by an employee and police arrested him for multiple misdemeanor warrants.
Punch-drunk love
A man living on the 15500 block of 4th Avenue S.W. had to lock his drunk girlfriend out of the house, after she turned violent and kicked him. Police arrived around 11:30 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 23 to restrain the woman with handcuffs and hobbles.
Hit and Run on S.W. 148 Street
A pedestrian woman, who resides on the 10100 block of 8th Avenue S., was struck by a Burien driver around 11 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 23. The incident occurred near the intersection of S.W. 148 Street and 4th Avenue SW. The suspect fled the scene of the collision.
Brothers get out of hand
A sister reported a fight between her brothers at 11:40 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 23. The two attacked each other with a rubber mallet and knife. One brother was stabbed in the torso. The family resides on the 12200 block of 12th Avenue S.
Store clerk vs. customers
A store clerk at the 76 Gas Station on 16850 International got into a fight with customers around 2 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 22. The employee and customers were throwing store items at each other. The clerk said one item struck and cut him but he only wanted to charge the customers with trespassing. Officers found the shoppers smoking marijuana in a hotel room with a child present.
Ex-boyfriend blows up
A man arrived uninvited to his ex-girlfriend’s home, located on the 17300 block of 32nd Avenue S., around 5 a.m. on Sun., Nov. 20. Officers arrested him for a DUI and for accidentally hitting his ex’s father with his vehicle.