238 City Light customers in 46 incidents at 10pm were still without power following an early morning snow storm Feb. 6
Update 10:00pm
City Light crews worked all day to keep up with power outages that seemed to crop back up after being solved when heavily snow laden trees would break and a branch would snap a power line. At last check the power to the Burien area and North Highline was mostly restored but 46 isolated pockets of outages remain from 116th SW and the water over to Tukwila Intl. Blvd in the east. Crews expected those to be resolved by midnight.
Update 4:30pm
Power for more than 3200 from Burien to North Highline was out with new outages taking place down to Three Tree Point and part of Normandy Park. An estimated time of restoration for those north of 136th SW was 7:00pm but for those south the matter was still under investigation.
Original Post 8:30am
The snowstorm that arrived and began accumulating in earnest in the early morning hours of Feb. 6 knocked out power for nearly 8000 customers in the Burien area.
The outage stretched from North Highline at 112th Street SW down to the edge of Lake Burien on 152nd SW in the south and across HWY 509 up over to Puget Sound in the west surrounding and extending into the residential area near Seahurst Park.
City Light estimated restoration by noon for some of the outages but that was not the case for other isolated outages.
You can check the status here http://www.seattle.gov/light/sysstat/