Update on the Port of Seattle's Flight Corridor Safety Program: Online Open House is Live
Wed, 02/08/2017
Dear Airport Neighbors:
We are contacting you because you’ve expressed an interest in the Port of Seattle’s Flight Corridor Safety Program and Replanting Plan, a program that replaces over-height trees with native, low-growing trees and shrubs in Sea-Tac Airport’s flight corridor.
On February 1, the Port hosted an open house on the program at the SeaTac Community Center, which about 85 members of the community attended.
If you were able to attend, thank you for participating. And if you weren’t, the Port has launched an online open house that includes the same materials that were shared with the public on February 1.
Visit: http://seasafecorridor.infocommunity.org/ and provide your input.
Identical to the February 1 open house, the online version seeks public input specifically on:
•Removal and replanting approaches for Port properties near South 200thStreet
•The Port’s Airport Communities Ecology Fund to invest in environmental projects and programs in SeaTac, Burien and Des Moines
To inform the next steps prior to Port of Seattle Commission action, please provide your input by February 12. However, the online open house will continue and comments will be accepted throughout the life of the program.
For more information about the program and the modifications made by the Port Commission in late 2016, read the Port’s November press release and visit the program’s webpage. Thank you again for your active interest in the Port’s program to ensure safe aircraft takeoffs and landings.
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