Highline School District shares top thoughts from community
Fri, 03/10/2017
information from Highline Public Schools
It's time to share what we heard in a recent online community conversation about what Highline Public Schools is doing well and where it can improve.
In January, nearly 700 people contributed thousands of comments and ideas in Highline's third ThoughtExchange conversation.
First, people shared their thoughts online. Then they had a chance to read what others said and prioritize the shared ideas with a number of stars. Now you can read the comments and see the shared concerns and priorities.
"Our community's feedback helps us learn and improve as a system, so we are better able to reach our bold goals for our students," said Superintendent Susan Enfield. "It takes all of us working together, so thank you for taking the time to contribute your thoughts and priorities.”
Visit Highline’s online interactive report to learn about the top priorities that emerged for your child’s school and for the district as a whole.