Port of Seattle and Sound Transit to highlight Sea-Tac Airport transit walkway accessibility improvements
Tue, 05/23/2017
SEATTLE – Port of Seattle Commissioners Stephanie Bowman, Fred Felleman and Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff will gather Wednesday, May 24 at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to highlight accessibility improvements made to the walkway in the airport parking garage.
Local transit accessibility advocate Cindi Laws will also be on hand to discuss how improvements, including a free shuttle cart from the light rail station to the airport, are a major boost for airport users with mobility issues.
The Port Commissioners and Sound Transit CEO will also discuss the future of regional transit and how record passenger totals at Sea-Tac make taking light rail more attractive than ever.
Sea-Tac Airport Transit Walkway Accessibility Media Availability
When: Wednesday, May 24 – 10 a.m.
Where: Sea-Tac Airport - entrance of transit walkway inside parking garage on west side.
(Take Skybridge 1, near Alaska ticketing counters, turn left toward walkway)
Port of Seattle Commissioners Stephanie Bowman and Fred Felleman
Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff
Transit accessibility advocate Cindi Laws