The stanchion support pillar for the new replacement gateway arch on 152nd is ready for the new greeting art to be installed. The one day project will take place on July 18.
The Gateway Arch that greeted visitors to downtown Burien, but that was destroyed by a crane truck in Feb. of 2016 is about to be replaced.
The City of Burien said on their website that the "Fabrication of the new archway is complete and ready to be installed.
Next Tuesday, July 18 between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, SW 152nd Street will be closed between 1st Avenue South and 2nd Avenue SW to install the new Gateway Arch.
Please use SW 150th Street or SW 153rd Street as detours on this date. Local access to businesses in the immediate area will be limited but available. Flaggers will be onsite to guide most guests to businesses. Visitors/owners/employees should also consider alternate parking for the day or adjust schedule/appointment for the day.
RCNW will be operating large equipment such as a crane to lift and place the archway. There will also be large moving equipment in the area. RCNW will require space to maneuver equipment as needed. As a result, business/guest parking will be impacted for this date only.
As the day progresses, the contractor may allow for more access to local businesses.
Please note this is a planned one-day effort. If all goes well, this will be the only impacting day. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.