White Center's reputation for violent crime has impacted business investment and retail business for decades. But the recent uptick in new businesses entering the community and the reinvestment in existing businesses point the way to a brighter future. As a way to look for solutions to the crime problem the White Center Chamber of Commerce under the leadership of its new President Tommy Martin is hosting the White Center Summit on Violence Prevention on Aug. 17 at Martin's business, Speed of Sound Studios from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
King County Sheriff John Urquhart will speak at the event aimed primarily at business particiapation, addressing crime prevention, and what the public and local businesses can do to help law enforcement. King County Council Chair Joe McDermott's office said a representative will also talk about crime and its impacts on the area.
The event will be moderated by White Center Community Development Association Manager Aaron Garcia and North Highline Unincorporated Area Council President Liz Giba.
Speed of Sound Studios is located at 9409 Delridge Way SW.