information from King County
King County Metro is working with the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to expand the frequent, reliable RapidRide network to new parts of Seattle and King County. A public survey released today asks riders to prioritize their transportation needs and to identify opportunities for upgrading Metro Route 120 to the future RapidRide H Line. The survey builds on input the community shared in Seattle in spring 2017 and helps the agencies evaluate the performance of future improvements.
Upgrading route 120 achieves goals in the Metro Connects long-range plan and voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle. RapidRide H Line service is scheduled to launch in 2020.
Today, Metro Route 120 is tied for ninth-busiest bus route in King County and carries approximately 8,800 customers each weekday along the corridor between Burien, White Center, West Seattle and Downtown Seattle.
To upgrade the route to RapidRide levels of speed, frequency and reliability, improvements are envisioned along the corridor that include transit priority treatments and RapidRide amenities like unique stations, off-board ORCA fare payment kiosks, and real-time information signs. Metro operates six RapidRide lines across King County with these standard amenities.
This project is funded by King County Metro, the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle and additional grant funding, which has in part been secured and is also being sought by both Seattle and King County.
Metro and SDOT are working collaboratively to develop a preferred alternative in coming months. Metro is planning community meetings in Burien and White Center during the second week of December. Details will be announced once confirmed.
How do I get involved?
About King County Metro RapidRide
King County Metro began RapidRide planning in 2006 and launched the RapidRide A Line in 2010. Today, Metro operates six lines across King County, offering the best of Metro with frequent and reliable service, efficient off-board ORCA fare payment, fast all-door boarding and on-board wifi for riders. RapidRide routes carry more than 67,000 rides each weekday.
Metro Connects, our long-range plan, envisions 26 RapidRide lines by 2040. This includes 19 in King County by 2025 – of which seven are in partnership with the City of Seattle. The future RapidRide G Line in Seattle’s Madison neighborhood is scheduled to begin service in 2020.
RapidRide H Line online survey
Metro Connects long-range plan
RapidRide Expansion in Seattle
Burienites need to be aware that several years ago King County Metro was also trying to upgrade this bus route. They wanted to do so by taking a lane each direction and have it be Bus Only. It seems pretty stupid to set aside lanes for infrequent buses at the expense of cars and trucks that need those lanes.