The community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) is sharing a proposed, districtwide boundary plan for Highline Public Schools and they need public feedback.
Review the maps and feeder pattern below. Attend one of the community meetings starting March 14.
School boundaries and feeder patterns need adjusted to accommodate a fifth middle school and a new, larger elementary school opening in fall 2019.
CFAC members will meet April 25 to consider input collected from this survey and public meetings. We will submit a recommended boundary plan to the school board in late spring.
STEP 1: Read the Background & Rationale
We want you to understand the background and rationale leading up to our proposal to redraw school boundaries, as well as the guiding principles we established for proposing new boundaries:
STEP 2: Attend a Community Meeting
Our kick-off community meeting is Wednesday, March 14, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. at the Highline High School Cafeteria. Additional community meetings are planned. Please attend a meeting to ask questions and get information from committee members and staff, if you are able to do so.
STEP 3: See the Draft Boundary Maps
View pdf files of the proposed boundary maps or visit your local school office to view in person after March 15:
Review the draft school feeder pattern.