Beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 13, at City Hall, the 14 candidates will interview for the vacant Council Seat Position # 5 of the SeaTac City Council. This is a Special Council Meeting that is open to the public and will be audio recorded and uploaded to the City of SeaTac website a few days after the meeting. Each candidate will have a 20-minute interview session with the full City Council. Originally, there were 15 candidates but this week, candidate Craig Baker withdrew his name from consideration.
In order to be fair to all 14 remaining candidates, on Friday, October 5, at the budget workshop in Council Chambers, the names were drawn randomly to determine the order of candidate interviews. The interview times are as follows:
·9:10 Deborah Myers
·9:30 Daniel Santon
·9:50 Victoria Lockwood
·10:10 JD Hill Jr
·10:30 Jennifer Corona
·10:50 20 minute break
·11:10 Kent Palosaari
·11:30 Andrew Ried-Munro
·11:50 Parmbir Singh
·12:10 Brandon Pinto
·12:30 Stanley Tombs
·12:50 40 minute lunch break
·1:30 Nimco Bulale
·1:50 Mario Coluccio
·2:10 Takele Gobena
·2:30 Amina Ahmed
After all interviews have been conducted, Council will recess to an Executive Session to discuss the qualifications of the candidates (RCW 42.30.110(1)(h). Council will then reconvene the Special Council Meeting to appoint a Councilmember in open session. The appointed Councilmember will be sworn in at the October 23, 2018 Regular Council Meeting and serve through the certification of the November 2019 General Election.
The Council has established the following rules for the interviews:
·The questions will not be provided in advance to the candidates.
·No candidate will be in the Council Chambers prior to their interview.
·Once a candidate has interviewed, they may choose to remain in the room.
·No interview questions will be provided by anyone in the room to any candidate not yet interviewed.
·Each candidate will have 15 minutes to respond to six questions; each Councilmember will ask one question.
·Each candidate will then have 5 minutes to provide additional information or to respond to follow up questions by the Council.
·In order to maintain an efficient, effective, and fair Council appointment process, public comment will not be taken during the Special Council Meeting.
·Audience members will refrain from making comments, gestures, or sounds that will disrupt the interview. Please treat the candidates with the respect you would want if you were the one being interviewed.