To the editor:
Hello All You with heightened awareness of “doing good” for your community! Don’t let this enthusiasm disappear with the left-over Halloween candies and confetti from your election day celebrations. The White Center Library Guild has some great ways to channel this energy. Come join us at our next activity, a Holiday Sale at the library, November 17, from 10 to 3pm. Of course, bring your friends and family. The proceeds from this sale help fund programs and activities for children in our community. Our donors provide gift-worthy items. . Our prices have always catered to limited budgets. Our sales give us the opportunity to advocate for the White Center Library.. You will be amused and amazed.
Beyond “tasting” what we do, we want your participation in helping build community through our White Center Library. Attend one or more of the six yearly board meetings, dates posted in the library. These meetings can give you some insight as to the engagement of the Guild. For example, when the garden sale takes shape in the Spring ”back yard gardeners” share plants, seedlings and experiences.
The King County Library System is 75+ years old. Some of those who have been helping with the work of Guild activities are also that old or older! We need the next generation of Library lovers to step forward to generate ideas and protect the investment this community made as we all worked together for the building and securing of our White Center Library in the KCLS.
Each year the KCLS Foundation celebrates “Friends Awards “ and organizations. (Next to the book sales in the White Center Library is a record of the awards given to members of the White Center Library Guild.) This year, each group was honored by a few words describing their activities and spirit. White Center Library Guild was described as “Community-Focused”>> “Passionate” >> “Supportive”>>Creative”.
Of course, you want to be a part of this group! Check us out along with your books, and on November 17, Guild members will be there to greet you as you look for
Holiday treasures.
Rachael Levine