Back Row: Marissa Jenkins, Minh-Hgoc Pam, Rachel Samson, Macy Vinther, Hannah Roswell, Payton Gaines, Brigitta Nguyen, Mollie Brombaugh
Front Row: Alma Gomez, Paww Yenbut, Paula Andrade, Jennifer Ramos, Phuong Phan, Aailyah Grenich
Not pictured Alice Im, Viktoria Cambas, Kaye Pastores, Chhy Chhy Yeak
AAUW (American Association of University Women) Highline Branch held a reception for 11 grade girls who had been recommended for their high achievement by their STEM-class teachers. Girls from seven high schools in the Highline area – Evergreen, Kennedy, Highline, Mount Rainier, Tyee, Seattle Christian and Raisbeck Aviation received a certificate and a $50 Visa Gift Card while their proud parents looked on.
The girls introduced themselves and explained a bit about their future plans – which included attending university and studying for various health and medical professions, working in environmental concerns, computer science, an engineering degree, space exploration and Robotics to name a few.
They listened to some good advice and much encouragement from keynote speakers Claire Foster who has an engineering degree and works for the City of Seattle and Annie Gesellchen, soon to graduate with a degree in computer science from UW.
Highline Branch AAUW also offered much encouragement to the girls as the AAUW mission promotes the advancement for women and girls through education, equity, research and advocacy