Did your lawn get torn up last year by crows or racoons? They were looking for grubs. grubGone! is a natural and safe solution to chafer beetle grub control.
This is the sixth in a series of columns prepared by the staff at the award winning West Seattle Nursery. The Nursery is open for shopping, following COVID guidelines and they offer an array of trees, shrubs, bedding plants, garden supplies, decor and gift items. They are located at 5275 California Ave SW and you can find them online at https://www.westseattlenursery.com
A few months ago, we were getting frantic phone calls from customers. “Who or what is digging up my lawn?” It turns out that their soil was home to a host of European chafer beetle larvae. These larvae, aka grubs, are a popular food for crows, raccoons, and other animals, and those critters damage the lawn as they dig them up.

What to do? We have found a product, called grubGone!, that provides safe method for controlling beetle larvae. grubGone! is a granular form of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). It will not harm bees, pets or wildlife. It is best to apply it within the next two to three weeks.
One bag covers 5,000 sq. ft. grubGone! has a shelf life of two years. You'll find it in the Garden Center at West Seattle Nursery.
Important note: The EPA requires all pesticides to be labeled with “signal words,” according to their levels of toxicity. The word, “Caution,” on the label indicates low toxicity. “Warning” indicates moderate toxicity, and “Danger” means high toxicity.
grubGone! has a caution label.