White Center Food Bank Grand opening celebrated all those who made it possible
White Center Food Bank Grand opening celebrated all those who made it possible
New facility can serve hundreds of families daily
Cutting the ribbon at the Grand Opening of the new location for the White Center Foodbank are from left, Jefferson Rose, Joe Ngyuen, Carmen Smith, Joe McDermott and Gabby.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
Fri, 01/12/2024
In 2022, more than 95,000 people turned to the White Center food bank for healthy and culturally familiar food. That need grew in 2023.
Jefferson Rose,Development and Communications Director said, "Before Covid, a busy day for us in 2019 was about 80 families a day. In October we saw upwards of 290 families in one day, and we expect to see even more here because we are so centrally located, right here on the busline. The first day we opened we planned for 48 families in the first hour. We had over a hundred."
To meet that need the Food Bank embarked on a capitol campaign and with the help of King County Councilmember Joe McDermott and many others celebrated the grand opening of their new home at 10016 16th SW.
The White Center Food Bank began unofficially in the mid-1970’s as an emergency response to assist struggling families and individuals in the greater White Center and Highline areas during a major economic downturn.
The new facility boasts massive freezer and refrigeration units, large storage areas and a "shopping" format allowing families to select food (and culturally appropriate food) from the shelves. There are now multiple offices, meeting spaces and more.
The party took place in the shopping area of the Food Bank. Photo by Patrick Robinson
The Food Bank can now store much more frozen food. Photo by Patrick Robinson
Fresh produce is in high demand at the Food Bank. Photo by Patrick Robinson
El Catrin (whose restaurant is on 15th SW) supplied some of the food for the event. Photo by Patrick Robinson
Out going King County Council member Joe McDermott spoke. Photo by Patrick RobinsonState Senator Joe Ngyuen spoke at the event. Photo by Patrick Robinson
Intake Specialist and Translator Gabby spoke at the event. Photo by Patrick Robinson
Executive Director, Carmen Smith spoke too. Photo by Patrick Robinson
West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Rachel Porter paused for a beverage. Photo by Patrick Robinson
Alex speaks with outgoing Council member Joe McDermott. Photo by Patrick Robinson