(Editor's Note. Last week we published a letter to Bartell's CEO by Robert Drucker. Here is the company's response.
Thank you for taking the time to offer your very relevant comments about the existing Bartell Drugs as well as the proposed development on the former Denny's property.
As you point out, the existing Bartell Drugs is experiencing the hardship of limited parking. In recent years, the City of Seattle installed a very nice community park on the former Safeway property. Unfortunately, this project was exempt from having to supply adequate parking on site for its use, so it competes for the meager on-street parking. On top of this, the city decided to do away with free on-street parking and installed pay station parking. To add insult to injury, I don't think the money generated by these meters is earmarked for projects in Ballard. It is my understanding that the money goes into a general fund.
Anyway, back to the subject. Bartell Drugs is in discussions with the developer for a new store, but we have not completely committed ourselves yet. Regardless of what happens with the new development, the future of the 22nd Avenue store won't be decided for some time. We appreciate your comments and will certainly consider the points you made before final decisions are made.
David D. Graef
Real Estate and Leasing
Bartell Drug Stores