In the story "Bus rider spots problems" (July 9), the writer says that "One of the three northbound lanes on Elliot Avenue West and 15th Avenue Northwest ... was recently converted to a bus-only lane during morning and afternoon heavy traffic hours..." but none of the southbound lanes have. Maybe that's because only the northbound lanes have been repaved.
Checking with the Seattle Department of Transportation would reveal if the same treatment is scheduled for the southbound side.
And that story also contradicts your editorial in the same issue that labels the bus lane as a "bike lane." It is not, although bicycles are permitted to use it during rush hours along with buses, just as they are allowed to use Elliot Way and 15th. as transportation corridors at any time.
A long portion of that "parallel bike path" is old and passes through the Interbay rail yards and industrial areas, does not run the full length of the corridor, and provides poor connections to businesses along Elliot Way and 15th Northwest.
Greg Palmer