In the July 30 issue of the Ballard News-Tribune, incorrect information was given about where townhomes will be located ("Design standards worry builders", page 1). The story should have said, "Ten percent of the city is zoned multifamily, some of that, in a portion of the least intensive low-rise zones, will be developed as townhouses, which have been an ongoing sore spot for single-family homeowners...". These would be the LDT, L-1 and L-2 zones. In the higher zones, such as L-3, mid-rise and high-rise, apartments and condo buildings will be seen, not townhouses.
Incorrect information was also given on the bonus program, or workforce housing incentive ("Design standards worry builders", page 1). The program was said to be currently in act. However, the bonus program that has incentives for affordable housing and green construction is not yet in place.
We regret the errors.