Southwest Airline's move to Boeing Field is an affront to many residents of Seattle. The noise created from the planes will negatively impact city neighborhoods, reducing the quality of life for residents of West Seattle, Magnolia, Queen Anne, Ballard, Beacon Hill and Georgetown.
Is Southwest or King County going to provide homes in these communities with soundproofing as was done for SeaTac area properties? I don't think so; and, even if home insulation is done, residents will still have to tolerate airplane noise outside of their residences.
An exodus will occur because many people will leave Seattle for a more peaceful environment. This exodus will cause a lessoning in property values as the affected communities lose their desirability. When property values are lowered, King County revenue from property taxes will automatically be reduced.
King County needs to assess the end result of this additional air traffic at Boeing Field instead of showing shortsightedness.
Emilia Burdyshaw