I am tired of the gangs in our parks. I think we should have two policemen walk the parks and when they catch the perpetrators with guns or committing a crime they should charge the parents along with the kids, or they should start up the Civilian Conservation Corps camps again. Then they could help with roads and keep the parks clean for room and board.
If the children come from the United States this is how they should handle the kids. Even if they have come from other countries to be citizens, take away all and send kids and parents back to their own country to never return. They didn't respect our laws and the parents don't care or can't deal with the kids.
And I would like to comment on the states that are flooding in the bad storms. I am glad to see they finally put in martial law. Now let them them take care of the looters - if they can't control them, they should be able to shoot them. We have lost the power to enforce our laws, as we had to live them.
Kathleen Vogel