not a problem
I would welcome light rail to West Seattle, particularly in lieu of the monorail. I would like to set the record straight, gradient is not a stumbling block as Allan Munro implied in letters, Oct.19. "the Forward Thrust 'steel wheels on steel rails' transportation mode could not have come to West Seattle. The grade is too steep."
In San Francisco three light rail lines (J, L, N) climb grades as steep as 8 percent. In the past, older streetcars there (not cable cars) climbed grades as steep as 15.6 percent. I'd be happy to furnish Mr. Munro with a photo of a "J" light rail unit climbing the steep Church Street hill.
I agree wholeheartedly, Seattle, and particularly West Seattle, needs a new Forward Thrust plan to bring fast, quiet mass transportation to our area.
Val J. Golding
High Point