The monorail's finance plan that was unveiled last Monday (Oct. 17) is well within the spending parameters the voters established with our last vote.
Transportation infrastructure projects are expensive, especially given our city's hills and waterways, but even the city's own studies concluded back in 2001 that the monorail was the most efficient and cost-effective option for connecting Seattle's west side. This fixed-price contract of $1.7 billion to design, build, operate, and maintain the monorail has built-in accountability and financial protections for taxpayers.
We, the citizens of Seattle, have already invested in planning the route, negotiating a contract, and purchasing over 90 percent of the property along the route. We need to follow through with the commitments we've already made (votes, time, and money) and vote yes for the monorail. Connecting the western half of our city through downtown with a clean, quiet, efficient and safe system will have a huge impact on the quality of our lives and the lives of future generations.
Vote Nov. 8 to build the monorail for a clean commute for you and your kids.
Denise Henrikson