I agree with H.E.B Shasteen in his Feb. 22 letter. I am sick of the way they use taxes rebuilding (Key Arena). Why don't we let them (Sonics) just move.
Pick some ball players from (around the state) and start over. If given a chance I'm sure you would find enough men to apply. Maybe we have passed up some good men in picking named professionals.
We will still make enough money with the building we have built. We just need to improvise.
Also still enjoying Jerry's View when he talks about things around White Center, We were a family of nine kids and grew up there.
I would like to know why we have so many boys killed in Iraq roadside explosions. The Canadians have armor on the vehicles to prevent injures. Why don't we? We could save more lives. On the Canadian news's it said they can run over them and no one is killed.
Kathleen Vogel