As a mother of two school-age boys, I am so happy that they are enrolled in the Highline School District. I have found the teachers to be extraordinary. They respect our children, and push them to excel. As a volunteer PTA president, and volunteer parent lobbyist in Olympia, I have also found that the district administrators have an open ear, and an open door.
The Highline School District in blooming. I think the reason is because we made the decision to re-invest in our schools. After 17 years of not investing in our schools, the 2002 bond brought us nine new schools. Ask any parent who has children who attend those beautiful schools if the new buildings make a difference. These new buildings are quieter, cleaner, safer, and send a message to everyone that our kids matter, and that our public education system is a priority.
On March 14, we will have a chance to continue the progress we have already made, by approving a bond to replace five additional schools, Shorewood, Midway, Parkside, Marvista, and McMicken Heights. Funds will also be used for increased security at our secondary schools, and technology upgrades for our classrooms.
I spend a lot of time in one of these schools. It is long overdue for replacement. Our children, and the teachers and staff who serve us, deserve this investment and deserve our support. Vote smart. Vote yes on March 14.
Lois Schipper
White Center