According to the interview with Mayor Nickels (March 22) he wants a public vote on the viaduct but also states that if the state - and I assume he means the voters - want a elevated viaduct he still "guarantees there will be lawsuit after lawsuit." One must assume also that each lawsuit he intends to bring will be paid for by our taxes, which means our money.
Somewhere along the way the politicians have forgotten that one should live within their means and not leave children not even born yet with the bill to pay.
It has been very plain that even when we taxpayers vote x numbers of dollars for a project it always winds up costing millions over the funds approved. (New fire stations a prime example.)
Forget the fact that some of us when the "big one comes" as they continually try to scare us with, would rather go out above ground not like a rat in a tunnel. This is, of course, a personal opinion.
It remains that spending by local, state and the federal government has gotten totally out of hand. Spending millions or billions is so great that most folks can't even picture that amount.
May I also add if potholes are filled within 48 hours then those people have not driven on Avalon Way, Beach Drive, Harbor Ave and others in a long time.
Harriet Benjamin
Harbor Avenue