Letter to Governor Gregoire
Wed, 04/26/2006
Well they now have taken out our Green Belt for the rest of (Greg Davis Park at 26th Avenue Southwest and Southwest Brandon Street) all baby birds killed, and we lost all the hummingbird nests we feed all winter, now we have none. I hope Mayor Greg Nickels is happy.
I wrote to City Council and mayor, governor. They our turning Delridge into cement junction. Anyway I just thought I would send you a paper I sent to the Gov. Christine Gregoire:
"I know I am only one person but I have been here 73 years and was born here with eight other siblings. We are only two left. My father was a baker at the start. He worked at that since he was five years old, he got so he couldn't work around the Flour, made him sick. He then sold papers to support the family. When the Depression came we were forced into taking help from the state, which didn't hold well with my father, he finally got into W.P.A. to help. And, as you know, that was not enough. Yes we raised chickens and garden, picked apples that the neighbors let us have. My mom sewed and reworked hand me down's. I'm telling you this so you know I been there, did that.
"You want to really know what is wrong with the schools, they don't teach any thing for children to learn. Computer's and games are all these kids know. The states pay more attention to the foreigner's coming in. I know I have lived next door to some Asian family. When he moved in he was real nice, but when he married and had four children and he said all his brothers will have four children also. His children don't speak English around me nor does he, so I never know what they say unless he wants something, or to know about something. Now all the money for them to learn our English is not doing much good the kids do not respect anything and they are mean to animals. They do some English but they are not nice.
"Getting back to the schooling, the children don't have to learn anything to use their mind like the real teachers back you and I had. Please put back reading, writing and arithmetic. If they don't learn like we have you will lose the people we became. Let them treat the computers for the learning in college or games at home. My daughter didn't go to school when she was three and she memorized all her books I read to her. The children are smart but wear not teaching them.
"And about the ball teams that is a form of black mail. Look what Allen did to team in Oregon; didn't he go bankrupt with millions?
"The viaduct just needs repair. The mayor wasn't even born when all the water was around. The waterfront would be bad for a tunnel the water table isn't right. I love to drive or ride over the Viaduct the view is beautiful, please don't let the progress rain Seattle for the people from here. I am glad that the people are accepting the gay's as people due respect they cannot help how the came to be.
"And one last thing, I think Maria Cantwell is one of the best."
Kathleen Vogel