Having encouraged their constituency to vote for yet another bond to ensure the department has the necessary tools for our safety, the commissioners of the North Highline Fire District voted unanimously to give the fire chief a salary increase to $16,500 a month. That's correct, $198,000 a year.
It's incomprehensible that one of the lowest income urban areas in the state has one of the highest paid public servants in the state. Go figure! No wonder we need another bond.
At best, this was an act of complete fiscal irresponsibility and at worst, incompetence and malfeasance.
These Commissioners failed not only their responsibility but their community and made it clear who they really work for. Certainly not the public - and now the fire chief, having increased his annual salary on the back of the working poor of this community can take full advantage of the Public Service Retirement System, announce his retirement, and start enjoying that astronomical retirement income.
The North Highline Fire Commissioners owe it to their community to share the reasoning, thought process and serious study that must have gone into this decision. It's now the very least they can do for those of us they are suppose to serve.
Cathy Taylor
Boulevard Park