Under the authority contained in Internal Revenue Code section 7506, the property described below will be sold at public sale. The United States redeemed this property under the provisions of 7425 of the Internal Revenue Code on August 10, 2006. The property was deeded to the United States on August 10, 2006. The sale will be held by public auction as follows:
Date: October 4, 2006
Time: 11:00am
Sale Location: 2765 E Cherry St., Seattle, WA 98122, parking lot
Title Offered: Only the right, title and interest of the Taxpayer in and to the property will be offered for sale. If requested, the Internal Revenue Service will furnish information about possible encumbrances, which may be useful in determining the value of the interest being sold.
Description of Property
Light Industrial Commercial Property, Lot Area 6066 square feet, public sewer system, water district, building construction is wood frame, 1 story, built in 1955. Lot is located on busy intersection.
Property Address: 2765 E Cherry St., Seattle, WA 98122
Abbreviated Legal: Ptn. Lts 23 & 24, Blk. 10 Gamma Poncin' Add. To C/Sea. Legal Description: Lot 23 AND 24, Block 10, GAMMA PONCIN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 20 of Plats, page 51, records of King County, Washington.
EXCEPT those portions thereof conveyed and/or condemned for City of Seattle street purpose by deed recorded under Recording No. 3126895 and in Superior court Cause No. 499340, as provided in Ordinance Nos. 84354 and 84463 of said city.
Situate in the County of King, State of Washington.
Assessor Tax Parcel/Account No.: 684070-0525-02
Minimum Bid Amount: $157,472.89
Property may be Inspected at: Drive-by only, do not disturb the occupants
The Terms of Payment: The successful bidder must remit over a deposit of 20 percent of the minimum bid amount immediately after the sale and pay the remaining balance on or before November 1, 2006. Before being permitted to bid, all bidders must display proof that they can comply with the 20 percent deposit required.
Form of Payment: All payment must be by cash, certified, cashier's or treasurer's check drawn on any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of the United States. Payment may also be made by any United States Postal, bank, express or telegraph money order. Make check or money order payable to the United States Treasury.
If you want additional information about the property and proposed sale, please contact the office at the address below.
Hallie Lipscomb, PALS, 4330 Watt Avenue, SA-5209, Sacramento, CA 95821, (916)974-5260. www.irssales.gov
Published in the West Seattle Herald/White Center News on SEPTEMBER 13, 2006.