The No Tunnel Alliance is composed of representatives of Seattle industry, business and voters who oppose a Seattle waterfront tunnel.
According to a recent Elway poll, 75 percent of Seattle voters desire a solution other than a tunnel.
We believe the tunnel would be fiscally irresponsible and would not be in the greater public interest. We think the viaduct replacement should meet the State's criteria for preserving roadway capacity - the very genesis of the Alaskan Way project funding. Honest adherence to state criteria suggests:
1. Unreduced roadway capacity, and functionality equivalent to the existing SR99 Viaduct, including Downtown access for one-third of 110,000 daily viaduct vehicles (including commercial vehicles and 500 buses).
2. Construction start and completion within the shortest possible time.
3. Costs not exceeding allocated state funds plus realistic inflationary costs.
4. Costs that do not endanger funding for other critical state transportation projects, such as the SR520 bridge replacement.
5. Preservation of a world-class view.
6. No additional burden on the state's roadway operating expenses beyond current SR99/viaduct expenses. The tunnel's operating cost for lighting, pumping out ground water and venting vehicle exhaust is estimated to be $5 million per year.
7. The least possible disruption to current traffic, neighborhood businesses, regional industry and tourism, both during and after construction, due to elimination of the current downtown access.
8. Reduction of hazards due to natural disasters, including tsunami flooding.
When judged by these criteria, the Tunnel fails miserably and fares much worse than the other alternatives.
Based upon this evaluation, we respectfully request that you oppose the designation of a tunnel for the Viaduct replacement, but rather encourage honest consideration of all other options.
The Steering Committee of the No Tunnel Alliance - supported by a large majority of Seattle voters, as reflected in 1,800 signatures of concerned citizens requesting a vote on the tunnel (on file with the Seattle City Clerk).
The Seattle City Council has refused to put this critical decision for Seattle's future to a public vote. We . . . were profoundly disappointed in the Seattle City Council on this issue.
No Tunnel Alliance
4554 12th N.E.