(Scott Anthony), it's funny how people will do similar things: I rented both documentaries in the same succession as yourself and I'll be damned if I don't feel like somebody let the air out of my tires.
I really enjoyed them both but, man, was I ever bummed out! Gawd, I've got to do something, maybe drive less. Walk the five blocks to work instead of driving. I don't know. Take the bus more. I can't afford a hybrid car.
Wouldn't it be nice if we put pressure on General Motors to start making those dang cars again? Hopefully they'll wake up to their blunder, and reintroduce the EV-1. But something tells me it's not going to happen, and consequently Toyota will get closer to their goal of surpassing General Motors as the world's largest automaker.
I just thought it was funny how I had a similar notion to rent both films and how I reacted like you.
Oh, and isn't Al Gore contributing to global warming himself with all the air traveling he does via the commercial air lines? Why doesn't Al do a few power point presentations via satellite; let technology do the legwork?
Aw, I'm just being a smart aleck.
Paul Selig
Alaska Junction