On Feb. 6, Seattle voters can renew their commitment to educating every child in the city. Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 are renewals of expiring levies, not new taxes.
Proposition 1, a six-year bond measure, will provide funds to remodel seven school buildings, including a new Denny Middle School on the campus of Chief Sealth. Chief Sealth will also get major upgrades. The measure will also put in a new turf at Hiawatha Playfield, replace the turf at the Denny/Sealth baseball/soccer fields, and improve air and water quality at 20-plus schools.
Proposition 2 is a three-year operations levy that pays for 24 percent of the district's day-to-day budget. That means every school will benefit from this levy. The levy pays for full-day kindergarten, the 6th-period day in high schools, transportation costs, bilingual and special education aides, school supplies, librarians and counselors in some schools. Both these measures are important for providing quality school for Seattle children.
Please vote "Yes" on these two key education measures.
Lucy Gaskill-Gaddis